▎ 摘 要
This study concerns a simple method for modifying graphene oxide (GO) and its poly-o-phenylene diamine composite with palladium microparticles. When the films of graphene oxide (GO) or composite thereof with poly-o-phenylenediamine (RGO-PPD) are immersed into a solution containing palladium ions, the latter were shown to fix within the films and can be further reduced to the metal state. The changes following penetration of Pd2+ into GO and RGO-PPD films were recorded by means of cyclic voltammetry, Raman spectroscopy, and XPS. UV spectra evidenced the loss of palladium ions in the solution after immersion of GO films therein. GO appeared a good basis for creating composites with pre-selected particles that can be further used for preparing materials with target properties.