▎ 摘 要
Regarding to the development of Sn-Sb-Ag (SSA) lead-free (plain) solders for advance electronic components, the effect of 0.2 wt% Graphene Oxide NanoSheets (GONSs) on thermal, microstructure and stress-strain characteristics of Sn-5 wt% Sb-1.0 wt% Ag (SSA510) lead-free solder alloy is investigated. Experimental results showed that addition of GONSs to SSA510 (composite) solder alloy slightly increased the melting temperature. Microstructure investigations revealed that addition of GONSs to SSA510 solder inhibited the growth of the beta-Sn grains, SnSb and Ag3Sn intermetallic compounds which subsequently reinforced the strength and increased the resistance to deformation of the SSA510 composite solder. Increasing strain rate resulted in increasing the tensile strength while increasing the testing temperature decreased the strength of both the plain and composite solder alloys. Good and excellent higher values of strength accompanied with high ductility were attained in the composite solder at all test conditions compared with those in the SSA510 plain solder. Thereby, addition of GONSs to the SSA solder makes composite solder joints to be more efficient for industrial applications that can make composite solder endure higher stresses.