▎ 摘 要
We report a new solid-state waveguide laser generating picosecond pulses with a GHZ, repetition rate, based on the use of graphene as a saturable absorber. Lasing at the main transverse mode is provided by the geometry of a cylindrical waveguide formed in the active crystal volume by the method of direct writing with a femtosecond laser beam. Fine tuning of the intracavity interferometer formed between the active medium and output mirror makes it possible to control the spectral-temporal parameters of output radiation and to smoothly tune the repetition rate of pulses having a duration of less than 20 ps. In particular, the possibility of dual-wavelength generation in the regime of continuous passive mode locking using a single saturable absorber based on graphene is demonstrated. By amplifying laser output radiation in the ytterbium fibre amplifier, an average output power of 539 mW is obtained.