▎ 摘 要
Size, shape and hot spots are crucial to optimize Raman amplification from metallic nanoparticle (NPs). The am-plification from radius = 1.8 +/- 0.4 nm ultra-small silver NPs was explored. Increasing NP density redshifts and widens their plasmon that, according to simulations for NPs arrays, is originated by the reduction of the interpar-ticle distance, d, becoming remarkable for d 130 nm) and widens (>90 nm) the standard plasmon of non-interacting spherical particles. Graphene partly delocalizes the carriers enhancing the NIR spectral weight. Raman amplification of graphene phonons is moderate and depends smoothly on d while that of Rhodamine 6G (R6G) varies almost exponentially due to their location at hot-spots that depend strongly on d. The experimental correlation between amplification and plasmon position is well reproduced by simulations. The amplification originated by the ultra-small NPs is compared to that of larger particles, granular silver films with 7 < R < 15 nm grains, with similar extinction values. The amplification is found to be larger for the 1.8 nm NPs due to the higher surface/volume ration that allows higher density of hot spots. It is demonstrated that Raman amplification can be efficiently increased by depositing low density layers of ultra -small NPs on top of granular films. (c) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.