▎ 摘 要
In this work, we present a new type of the one dimensional photonic crystals that contain graphene based nanocomposite and dielectric layers. Here, the nanocomposite layer is designed form graphene nanoparticles into a dielectric host material. By using transfers matrix method, Maxwell-Garnett formula, and Kubo formula, the properties of photonic band gap within visible and infrared regions are discussed. Our results reflect the significant effect of graphene on the optical characteristics of the nanocomposite layer and the transmittance properties as well. Thus, the tunability of the photonic band gaps could be expected. Meanwhile, we demonstrate the effect of the volume fraction of graphene's nanoparticles, the constituent materials thicknesses, the chemical potential and the permittivities of the host dielectric material on the transmittance properties of the proposed design. This design could be of potential interest in many fields of applications such as stop band filters and switches with high reflectivity.