▎ 摘 要
The main purpose of the present work is to study the thermal stress imposed by selective permeation hydrogel-filled nonwoven membranes (SPHM) in various environmental conditions, including cold, moderate and hot, in view of high and low wearer activity levels. In addition, graphene oxide (GO) has been used in the matrix structure of SPHM to reduce thermal stress. Hence, a mathematical model is proposed to study one-dimensional heat transfer through SPHM reinforced with GO. Heat transfer equation was solved using the differential quadrature method and the resulting model was verified by experiments using a dynamic heat transfer simulation apparatus. It was observed that SPHM causes a significant thermal stress, especially in hot environments, and high activity level due to the low thermal conductivity of hydrogels. The results also showed that an increase in the GO content from 0.1% up to 0.5% leads to an increase in thermal conductivity up to 85% of blank SPHM without GO. Therefore, SPHM reinforced with GO is a promising candidate for protective clothing, especially in hot environments. Also, the mathematical model can be useful in predicting thermal stress for designing SPHM-based PCs in various environmental conditions and activity levels. (C) 2017 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.