▎ 摘 要
SnO2-based sodium-ion batteries usually suffer from rapid capacity fading during the sodiation/desodiation caused by aggregation and cracking of Sn and irreversible formation of Na2O. In this respect, we design a ternary SnO2@Sn core-shell structure decorated on a nitrogen-doped graphene aerogel (SnO2@Sn/NGA), which is fabricated by using a microwave plasma-based process. The converted Na2O can prevent agglomeration of Sn, thus stabilizing the structure during the cycles. Close contact between Na2O and Sn ensures Na+ ion diffusion to the Sn core and reversible conversion of Sn <-> SnO2. Moreover, the deoxygenation effect of the plasma on NGA improves its degree of graphitization and electrical conductivity, which substantially improves the electrode rate performance. As a result, the SnO2@Sn/NGA anode delivers a high initial discharge capacity of 448.5 mAh g(-1) at 100 mA g(-1). Importantly, this unique nanohybrid electrode design can be extended to advanced anode materials for both lithium- and sodium-ion batteries.