▎ 摘 要
Graphene-based heterostructures display a variety of phenomena that are strongly tunable by electrostatic local gates. Monolayer graphene (MLG) exhibits tunable surface plasmon polaritons, as revealed by scanning nano-infrared experiments. In bilayer graphene (BLG), an electronic gap is induced by a perpendicular displacement field. Gapped BLG is predicted to display unusual effects such as plasmon amplification and domain wall plasmons with significantly larger lifetime than MLG. Furthermore, a variety of correlated electronic phases highly sensitive to displacement fields have been observed in twisted graphene structures. However, applying perpendicular displacement fields in nano-infrared experiments has only recently become possible [Li, H.; et al. Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 3106-3112]. In this work, we fully characterize two approaches to realizing nano-optics compatible top gates: bilayer MoS2 and MLG. We perform nano-infrared imaging on both types of structures and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Our work paves the way for comprehensive near-field experiments of correlated phenomena and plasmonic effects in graphene-based heterostructures.