▎ 摘 要
Position-guided Fano resonance is observed in hybrid graphene-silicon metamaterials. An outstanding application of such resonance is slow-light metadevices. The maximum group delay is 9.73 ps, which corresponds to a group delay in free-space propagation of 2.92 mm. We employ a coupled oscillator model to illustrate anomalous transmission, where the intensity of the Fano peak increases with the Fermi level. Furthermore, we amend the GaussAmp model to serve as a suitable control equation for the group delay. The coefficient of correlation (R-2) is as high as 0.99998, while the lowest values of the root-mean-square error and sum of squared errors are respectively 0.00421 and 0.00156. These results indicate that the amended GaussAmp model accurately controls the trend of the group delay. This work not only clarifies the mechanism of Fano resonance generation but also provides a promising platform for dynamically adjustable optical switches and multidimensional information sensors. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement