▎ 摘 要
Ti-6AL-4V alloy was laser textured with cross groove patterns and then coated with graphene or MoS2, evaluating its tribological behaviour. The samples were textured by a solid state Nd:Vanadate (Nd:YVO4) laser, making crossed grooves with two different crossing angles, 45 degrees and 60 degrees, shaping a rhombus-like pattern. The percentage of surface area textured was 18, 40 and 64%. Solid lubricants were deposited by the cloth burnishing technique. Bidirectional sliding wear tests were performed to evaluate the tribological behaviour of the alloy. Lubricant working lifetimes were longer on textured and coated surfaces than on polished surfaces. Graphene presented longer lifetime than the MoS2 for 18 and 40% of textured density but rather similar for the 64%.