▎ 摘 要
In this work, the graphene composite sheets coated with metal were equivalent to composite laminated sheets. The nonlinear coupling vibrations of graphene composite laminated sheets (GCLSs) under particle impact were investigated. The size-dependent effect and viscoelasticity were incorporated to model GCLSs in the nonlocal continuum theory and Kelvin-Voigt model framework. Particle impact was regarded as stochastic excitation on the GCLS. According to the von Karman strain-displacement relationship for the geometric nonlinearity and Reddy's third-order shear deformation plate theory, the nonlinear governing partial differential equations were derived. To examine the validity of this model, a comparison with published results was carried out. With the purpose of ensuring the convergence and reliability of the results, a large number of mode truncations were performed. The emphasis of numerical simulations was placed on studying how the various factors, including the size-dependent effect, forcing amplitude, and viscoelasticity, influencing the nonlinear responses of GCLS. The motivation of this study is to present a novel model providing both practical and theoretical guidance for devices involving graphene composites subjected to particle impacts.