▎ 摘 要
Herein, the results of a study focused on graphene in activation and cross-linking reactions with hydrazine are reported. The method provides an approach to the preparation of graphene-based materials, in this case, with a preset distance between individual layer and a relatively low ratio between the Raman G and D bands - D peak intensity/G peak intensity (I-D/I-G), ca. 1.81 (for unmodified High Strength Metallurgical Graphene (R) (HSMG (R) [Trade mark number: 013391669; Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market[), this ratio is 0.16). A 3D structure was created without a substrate (e.g. Si, SiO2 or polymer). This method allows for the preparation of a 3D graphene structure without the pi-pi interactions between individual layers.