▎ 摘 要
Graphene oxide (GO)-phosphor hybrid nanoscrolls were synthesized using a simple chemical method. The GO-phosphor ratio was varied to find the optimum ratio for enhanced optical characteristics of the hybrid. A scanning electron microscope analysis revealed that synthesized GO scrolls achieved a length of over 20 m with interior cavities. The GO-phosphor hybrid is extensively analyzed using Raman spectroscopy, suggesting that various Raman combination modes are activated with the appearance of a low-frequency radial breathing-like mode (RBLM) of the type observed in carbon nanotubes. All of the synthesized GO-phosphor hybrids exhibit an intense luminescent emission around 540 nm along with a broad emission at approximately 400 nm, with the intensity ratio varying with the GO-phosphor ratio. The photoluminescence emissions were gauged using Commission Internationale d'Eclairage (CIE) coordinates and at an optimum ratio. The coordinates shift to the white region of the color spectra. Our study suggests that the GO-phosphor hybrid nanoscrolls are suitable candidates for light-emitting applications.