▎ 摘 要
The influence of the nitrogen (N) doping configuration on the thermal conductivity (TC) of armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNRs) of size 15.7 nm x 7.26 nm was investigated using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with the optimized Tersoff potential at room temperature. The effect of changing the N-doping site in defects on the TC of AGNRs was also investigated in detail. The variations with N concentration of the TCs of AGNRs presenting graphitic N (quarternary N), pyridinic N, and pyrrolic N doping configurations were studied. Results of MD simulations showed that, among these three doping configurations, pyridinic N was associated with the highest TC, and pyrrolic N with the lowest TC. The highest TC values were obtained when the N dopant atoms were located at the edges and at defects in the AGNR. The presence of both pyrrolic N and Stone-Wales type 1 (SW1) defects led to a higher TC than the presence of both pyrrolic N and SW-2 defects. Phonon-defect scattering was found to be influenced by changes in C-C bond orientation. SW-1 defects were found to exert a greater influence on the TC than graphitic N doping. Furthermore, the influence on the TC of the N-doping site location in SW-1 defects was examined. Doping the central sites of SW-1 defects was found to yield higher TC values than doping the edge sites of defects. Graphitic-N doping of the more central sites in a SW-1 defect led to a higher TC than the random graphitic-N doping of sites in a SW-1 defect.