▎ 摘 要
The study of the early stages of growth of ZnO on graphene supported on Cu and on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by means of reactive thermal evaporation of metallic Zn at room temperature is presented. This growth method allows to go in depth in the study of the fundamental interaction between ZnO and graphene at the interface in quasi-equilibrium conditions. Quantitative, chemical, and morphological analysis is performed using photoemission spectroscopy, atomic force, and scanning microscopies as experimental characterization techniques and factor analysis and inelastic peak shape analysis as modeling techniques. The growth of ZnO on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite substrate is also studied using the same growth method for comparison. The results show that, in spite that the first atomic layer of both substrates is identical, the growth kinetics and morphology of the deposits are completely different. A model for the kinetics of the growth of ZnO on both substrates is proposed.