▎ 摘 要
An all-optical wavelength converter based on graphene oxide (GO) is proposed at the 1.9 mu m band. The homemade GO-coated microfiber is acquired through the optical deposition method, which shows a remarkable nonlinear optical response. Stable conversion efficiency up to -45.52 dB is obtained with 1 nm wavelength interval, and the wavelength tuning range can reach 6 nm (1969-1975 nm). With fixed wavelength interval, the conversion efficiency can increase with the increase of pump power. Simultaneously, the fluctuation of conversion efficiency is +/- 0.41 dB within 2 hours. The demonstrated all-optical wavelength converter based on GO can play an outstanding role in the future of all-optical communications and networks. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement