▎ 摘 要
Rolled graphene oxide (roll-GO) with anew morphological properties than normal graphene is synthesized using modified Hummer. Then, the roll-GO/PANI composite is prepared through the adsorption of roll-GO on the surface of the PANI film, that performed through the oxidative polymerization method. The developed composite displays a small bandgap of 1.9 eV and shows a high optical property extends through a wide optical region from UV to IR regions. The chemical structure and function groups are confirmed using the XRD and FTIR. The roll-GO/PANI composite was investigated as a photodetector. The effects of different irradiation light conditions and the monochromatic wavelengths were tested through the measurements of the produced current density, J(ph). The optical photon response exhibited excellent light sensitivity of the photodetector. The J(ph) enhanced highly under light (0.34 mA center dot cm(-2)) compared to dark conditions (0.007 mA center dot cm(-2)). J(ph) reached 0.24, 0.23, 0.14, and 0.09 mA center dot cm(-2) under 340, 440, 540, and 730 nm, respectively. The photodetector detectivity (D) and photoresponsivity (R) are found to equal 0.45 x 10(9) Jones and 2.25 mA center dot W-1, respectively.