▎ 摘 要
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have escalated much attention as innovative electrode materials for super-capacitors applications due to their high porosity, adequate active sites, and tunable structures. However, most MOFs show low capacitance, which limits their application in energy storage devices. In this study, a new MOF composite containing poly(4-aminothiophenol) (PAT), Zn, Ni, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), abbreviated as PATZ1N2G2-MOF, was fabricated by a one-step simple hydrothermal method and its electrochemical characteristics for supercapacitor applications were examined. The structural characterization of the proposed MOF exhibited successful synthesis of a highly porous and nanoscale crystalline spherical PATZ1N2G2-MOF configuration mainly spread on extra thin nano-sheets of rGO. The convenient mixed spherical structure of PATZ1N2-MOF and rGO Nano-sheets facilitates more electrochemically active regions and more accessible routes for charge and mass transfer, developing a specific capacitance as high as 1230.23F g(-1) at a current density of 1.0 A g(-1) as well as excellent capacitance retention of 89.8% after 3000 repetitive cycles. Moreover, the capacity of the modified positive electrode for the 2-electrode setup was obtained to be 93.31F g(-1), producing a high energy and power density of 33.17 Wh kg(-1) and 188.35 W kg(-1), respectively. The experimental results revealed the superior supercapacitive behavior of the PATZ1N2G2-MOF/NF electrode.