▎ 摘 要
Eddy current measurement of sheet conductance in monolayer graphene avoids experimental uncertainties associated with the vulnerability of atomic scale films to mechanical damage, in particular due to electrode deposition or during contact-based conductance measurements. The development of constitutive models which account for hysteretic variations in sheet conductance, associated with repeated adsorption-desorption cycles, offers a systematic approach to address a second major complication in comparing nominally similar experiments on chemiresistive gas sensing performance. Transient, multicycle oxygen sensing experiments conducted on large-area graphene measured a sheet conductance in the mid range of an order of magnitude variation reported in previous work. A constitutive model developed from the test data separates the deterministic, material history dependent response measured at fixed material points from the stochastic variations in conductance associated with imperfections in the monolayer film. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.