▎ 摘 要
Graphene oxide (GO) was synthesized using combination of ultrasound and electrochemical exfoliation method, the exfoliated GO was characterized and evaluated in corrosion inhibition of pure Cu in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at the room temperature. The inhibition efficiency of GO was investigated using electrochemical techniques. The graphene oxide and H2SO4 with volume ratios of 1:100 and 1:1000 provide good corrosion protection for Cu substrates, rather poor corrosion protection at 1:500. For three cases, SEM images exhibited that the adsorption layers were formed on Cu surfaces, combination of molecular dynamics simulations, the dense and hydrophobic barrier could be induced to form under the coexistence of the Cu (0 0 1), (1 10) and (1 1 1) facets. The good corrosion inhibition of 1:100 and 1: 1000 may be attributed to this corrosion barriers exposing to the corrosion media, on the contrary, the poor corrosion inhibition of 1:500 should assign to the failure formation of this protection barrier. This work was of importance and provided a positive guidance for design the Cu substrates further improving their anticorrosion performance.