▎ 摘 要
We study the magnetic properties in the vicinity of a single carbon defect in a monolayer of graphene. We include the unbound sigma orbital and the vacancy-induced bound pi state in an effective two-orbital single-impurity model. The local magnetic moments are stabilized by the Coulomb interaction as well as a significant ferromagnetic Hund's rule coupling between the orbitals predicted by a density functional theory calculation. A hybridization between the orbitals and the Dirac fermions is generated by the curvature of the graphene sheet in the vicinity of the vacancy. We present results for the local spectral function calculated using Wilson's numerical renormalization group approach for a realistic graphene band structure and find three different regimes depending on the filling, the controlling chemical potential, and the hybridization strength. These different regions are characterized by different magnetic properties. The calculated spectral functions qualitatively agree with recent scanning tunneling spectra on graphene vacancies.