▎ 摘 要
Graphitic nanoparticles, specifically, graphene oxide (GO) nanoflakes, are of major interest in the field of nanotechnology, with potential applications ranging from drug delivery systems to energy storage devices. These applications are possible largely because of the properties imparted by various functional groups attached to the GO surface by relatively simple production methods compared to pristine graphene. We investigated how varying the size and oxidation of GO flakes can affect their structural and dynamic properties in an aqueous solution. The all-atom modeling of the GO nanoflakes of different sizes suggested that the curvature and roughness of relatively small (3 x 3 nm) GO flakes are not affected by their degree of oxidation. However, the larger (7 x 7 nm) flakes exhibited an increase in surface roughness as their oxidation increased. The analysis of water structure around the graphitic nanoparticles revealed that the degree of oxidation does not affect the water dipole orientations past the first hydration layer. Nevertheless, oxygen functionalization induced a well-structured first hydration layer, which manifested in identifiable hydrophobic and hydrophilic patches on GO. The detailed all-atom models of GO nanoflakes will guide a rational design of functional graphitic nanoparticles for biomedical and industrial applications.