▎ 摘 要
Surface landscapes have vague impact on the mechanical properties of graphene. In this paper, single-layered graphene sheets (SLGS) with regular wrinkles were first constructed by applying shear deformation using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and then indented to extract their mechanical properties. The influence of the boundary condition of SLGS were considered. The wrinkle features and wrinkle formation processes of SLGS were found to be significantly related to the boundary conditions as well as the applied shear displacement and velocity. The wrinkling amplitude and degree of wrinkling increased with the increase in the applied shear displacements, and the trends of wrinkling wavelengths changed with the different boundary conditions. With the fixed boundary condition, the degree of graphene wrinkling was only affected when the velocity was greater than a certain value. The effect of wrinkles on the mechanical characterization of SLGS by atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoindentation was finally investigated. The regular surface wrinkling of SLGS was found to weaken the Young's modulus of graphene. The Young's modulus of graphene deteriorates with the increase in the degree of regular wrinkling.