▎ 摘 要
The response of a free-standing graphene monolayer exposed to a few tens of femtoseconds long extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulse was studied theoretically in order to analyze and compare contributions of various mechanisms to the graphene damage, understood here as a global atomic disintegration. Our simulation results indicate that nonthermal disintegration of the atomic structure is the predominant damage mechanism for a free-standing graphene layer. Only at high absorbed doses, charge-induced disintegration of the graphene structure prevails. We also demonstrate that the progressing damage can be probed by femtosecond optical pulses in the soft UV regime (4 eV photon energy). The achieved quantitative understanding of the damage mechanisms may enable a better control of graphene-based devices when they are exposed to x-ray radiation, as well as an efficient processing of graphene layers with ultrashort intense XUV pulses.