▎ 摘 要
Twisted bilayer graphene provides an ideal solid-statemodel toexplore correlated material properties and opportunities for a varietyof optoelectronic applications, but reliable, fast characterizationof the twist angle remains a challenge. Here we introduce spectroscopicellipsometric contrast microscopy (SECM) as a tool for mapping twistangle disorder in optically resonant twisted bilayer graphene. Weoptimize the ellipsometric angles to enhance the image contrast basedon measured and calculated reflection coefficients of incident light.The optical resonances associated with van Hove singularities correlatewell to Raman and angle-resolved photoelectron emission spectroscopy,confirming the accuracy of SECM. The results highlight the advantagesof SECM, which proves to be a fast, nondestructive method for characterizationof twisted bilayer graphene over large areas, unlocking process, material,and device screening and cross-correlative measurement potential forbilayer and multilayer materials.