▎ 摘 要
Template-free synthesis of faujasite type zeolite was investigated in the presence of graphene oxide (GO) in the synthesis sol. Nano-sized FAU/EMT, nano-sized FAU, and micro-sized FAU can be obtained depending on synthesis conditions such as precursor molar ratios, crystallization temperature, and the use of freeze-drying to alter water content. The obtained GO/Faujasite powder was shaped in the form of a disk by vacuum filtration. The shaped GO/Faujasite powder is electrically conductive (similar to 0.4 S/m & 2000-3000 Omega/sq), mechanically stable (Young's modulus: similar to 7 MPa) and contains micropores, mesopores, and macropores. Furthermore, the GO/Faujasite disk exhibits high methylene blue adsorption capacity and can be regenerated by thermal annealing at 300 degrees C without significant capacity loss.