▎ 摘 要
We study the magnetotransport properties of monolayer graphene grown on SiC substrates. At low magnetic fields, a parabolic magnetoresistance (MR) is observed. With increasing magnetic field, however, this parabolic MR is changed to a linear field dependence that does not show signs of saturation for magnetic fields up to 9 T. At a fixed field, the value of the linear MR decreases with increasing temperature, with its value as large as 80% under 9 T at room temperature. Furthermore, the Hall mobility is found to be suppressed when the sample is annealed at 390K under a helium atmosphere, with this suppression causing a decrease of the observed linear MR. The decrease in the linear MR shows a linear dependence on Hall mobility, which is indicative of the application of the monolayer graphene. We attribute the observed linear MR to a classical origin owing to the close relation between the MR and Hall mobility. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.