▎ 摘 要
Mechanical and tribological performances of Ti-16 wt%Ni alloy-based components were analyzed to extend their application scopes while retaining their longevity and high accuracy. Accordingly, the frictional surface was integrated with important parameters and the configurable sine-shaped channels through finite element analysis. Further, tensile and compression stresses were determined for Ti-16 wt%Ni composites using Gleeble 3800. In a ball-on-flat tribopair system, a MA: (AO-GN) (MgAl: (Al2O3-graphene)) ratio of 8.5: 1.0 enhanced the deformation, and facilitated excellent self-rehabilitation to improve the tribological behaviors. Further optimization of the MA: (AO-GN) ratio, i.e., 8.5:(1.2:0.3), helped in formation of the tribo-film. Sliding friction resistance and surface material loss were reduced. Thus, the best tribological behavior among the selected matching ratios was obtained. This was attributed to the cooperative functions of load extrusion and low friction heating, which caused low-temperature MA lubricants to cooperate with AO and GN, resulted in their migration from microcosmic channels (microchannels) to the frictional interface. Subsequently, they spread to form the tribo-film, and repaired the interface, thus facilitating an excellent tribological behavior.