▎ 摘 要
We study the evolution of initial temperature profiles in a two-dimensional isolated harmonic graphene lattice. Two heat transfer problems are solved analytically and numerically. In the first problem, the evolution of a spatially sinusoidal initial temperature profile is considered. This profile is usually generated in real experiments based on the transient thermal grating technique. It is shown that at short times the amplitude of the profile decreases by an order magnitude and then it performs small decaying oscillations. A closed-form solution, describing the decay of the amplitude at short times is derived. It shows that due to symmetry of the lattice, the anisotropy of the ballistic heat transfer is negligible at short times, while at large times it is significant. In the second problem, a uniform spatial distribution of the initial temperature in a circle is specified. The profile is the simplest model of graphene heating by an ultrashort localized laser pulse. The corresponding solution has the symmetry of the lattice and many local maxima. Additionally, we show that each atom has two distinct temperatures corresponding to motions in zigzag and armchair directions. Presented results may serve for proper statement and interpretation of laboratory experiments and molecular dynamics simulations of unsteady heat transfer in graphene.