▎ 摘 要
Given their low cost and eco-friendliness, rechargeable Zn-ion batteries (ZIBs) have received increasing attention as a device with great potential for large-scale energy storage. However, the development of ZIBs with high capacities and long lifespans is challenging because of the dendritic growth of Zn and the absence of suitable cathode materials. Herein, we report a novel rechargeable aqueous Zn-ion battery (AZIB) that consist of Zn coated with reduced graphene oxide as the anode and V3O7 center dot H2O/rGO composite as the cathode. The new AZIB exhibits excellent cycle stability with a high capacity retention of 79% after 1000 cycles. Moreover, it can deliver a high power density of 8400 W kg(-1) at 77 W h kg(-1) and a high energy density of 186 W h kg(-1) at 216 W kg(-1), and the former is higher than those of previously reported AZIBs. Our work provides a new perspective in developing rechargeable ZIBs and would greatly accelerate the practical applications of rechargeable ZIBs.