▎ 摘 要
A shear exfoliation of graphite in Arabic gum solution is one of the interesting non-toxic methods for production of few-layer graphene. While the utilization of Arabic-based graphene is mainly as conductive ink for inkjet or screen printing of circuit for sensing or electronic device, it is noted that there is lack of works reporting on the role of this polysaccharide class-based graphene for smart vapour-driven sensing film. In this brief report, the effect of Arabic gum/graphene presence on the cosmetic oil control film (Clean and Clear (R)) for bending- unbending performance of vapour-driven film was investigated. It is discovered that the film was able to complete a bending cycle within 13 s while the maximum recorded bending radius was measured at 0.48 cm after exposure to tetrahydrofuran (THF) in controlled environment condition (50%rh and 25 degrees C). By controlling the distance between THF source and the smart film, we further show the crawling motion of this film that resembling leech with a speed of 0.5 cm/48 s. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.