▎ 摘 要
The time evolution of a dislocation pair in graphene is investigated by performing subnanosecond-scale molecular dynamics simulations based on the density-functional tight-binding method. The simulations show the self-healing behavior of the graphene lattice, resulting in complete annihilation of dislocations, that is, the formation of the pristine graphene structure. To understand the mechanism of the structural developments, first principles calculations are performed for the principal dislocation structures observed in the density-functional tight-binding/molecular dynamics simulations. We reveal the characteristic bonding states in the area around the dislocation structures by bond analyses based on the Wiberg bond index and crystal orbital Hamilton population approaches. The unusual local bonding states mainly originate from geometrical features of the out-of-plane deformation of the dislocation structures. The annihilation processes of dislocations in graphene are discussed in relation to the local bonding states of the dislocation structures.