▎ 摘 要
The temperature effect on electronic transport mechanisms in graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) doped polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for temperature sensing applications has been investigated under electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis. AC measurements showed a very prevalent frequency-dependent behavior in low filled nanocomposites due to the lower charge density. In fact, 4 wt % GNP samples showed a nonideal capacitive behavior due to scattering effects. Therefore, the standard RC-LRC circuit varies with the substitution of capacitive elements by CPEs, where a CPE is a constant phase element which denotes energy dissipation. In this regard, the temperature promotes a prevalence of scattering effects, with an increase of resistance and inductance and a decrease of capacitance values in both RC (intrinsic and contact mechanisms) and LRC (tunneling mechanisms) elements and, even, a change from ideal to nonideal capacitive behavior as in the case of 6 wt % GNP samples. In this way, a deeper understanding of electronic mechanisms depending on GNP content and temperature is achieved in a very intuitive way. Finally, a proof-of-concept carried out as temperature sensors showed a huge sensitivity (from 0.05 to 11.7 degrees C-1) in comparison to most of the consulted studies (below 0.01 degrees C-1), thus, excellent never seen before for this of