▎ 摘 要
Nanoscale graphene oxide sheets (NGO), as activated carbocat'alysts, were synthesized by a reduction size strategy and used in chemoselective,oxidative conversion of benzylic C-H to the corresponding carboxylic acid. On the basis of the results,of the optimization proeess of different parameters, 3 equiv H2O2 for each C-H group, 100 wt V) of NGO in aqueous medium, acetone as, a cosolverit, and a reaction temperature of 100 degrees C were 'selected as optimum parameters. In this optimum condition, xylenes and toluene over 24 h with good-yield were converted to the,corresponding carboxylic acid, and in the case of diphenylmethane and' ethylbenzene, these substrates with excellent yield were-converted-to benzophenone and acetophenone.