▎ 摘 要
Ru doped vanadium pentoxide and reduced graphene oxide loaded Ru doped vanadium pentoxide nano -structures have been synthesized through the sol-gel route. The orthorhombic structure of rGO@Ru:V2O5 nanocomposite has been confirmed by using X-ray diffraction analysis and the appearance of O-V-O vibrational mode was confirmed by FTIR and Raman analysis. Furthermore, the scanning electron microscope and high -resolution transmission electron microscope images illustrate the formation of rGO@Ru:V2O5 nanomaterials as sheet-particles-rod shaped nature. Finally, the electrochemical performance of the rGO@Ru:V2O5 electrode exhibits outstanding electrochemical performance which illustrates the maximum capacitance value 1185 F/g at 1.25 A/g compared with the 2 %Ru:V2O5 electrode. Also, it shows high energy and power densities of 20.92 Wh/ Kg and 570 W/Kg for Ru:V2O5 electrode and 66.65 Wh/Kg and 810.89 W/Kg for rGO@Ru:V2O5 electrode. Both electrodes are shows the maximum cyclic stability of 98 % & 94 % for Ru:V2O5 and rGO@Ru:V2O5 electrodes, respectively.