• 文献标题:   Viscoelastic and fatigue properties of graphene and carbon black hybrid structure filled natural rubber composites under alternating loading
  • 文献类型:   Article
  • 作  者:   XUE C, GAO HY, HU GX
  • 作者关键词:   graphene, polymermatrix composites pmcs, viscoelastic, fatigue resistance, hybrid structure
  • ISSN:   0950-0618 EI 1879-0526
  • 通讯作者地址:   Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ
  • 被引频次:   0
  • DOI:   10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120299
  • 出版年:   2020

▎ 摘  要

In this paper, the viscoelastic mechanics and fatigue properties of graphene and carbon black (CB) hybrid structure filled natural rubber (NR) composites under dynamic alternating loads studied. Dynamic viscoelastic analysis of different types of graphene rubber composites shows that doping graphene can significantly reduce composites' loss in a single cycle of dynamic loading. At the same time, the Payen effect of the composites can effectively suppress. The storage modulus and loss factor of natural rubber filled with graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (RGO), surface modified graphene oxide (MGO), and carbon black are still higher than those filled with carbon black. This phenomenon indicates that graphene, especially graphene with surface functional groups, can change the conformation and free volume of rubber. The test results of composites under low-frequency dynamic loading are similar to those at high temperatures. Dynamic fatigue analysis shows that GO/CB/NR, RGO/CB/NR, and MGO/CB/NR have better fatigue resistance than CB/NR. These results show that graphene, especially the interface modified graphene carbon black hybrid structure, has better viscoelasticity than carbon black filled natural rubber composites. Our work provides a new choice for designing and applying rubber composite materials in buildings, piers, and track bearings. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.