▎ 摘 要
The effect of electron-phonon scattering processes on the thermoelectric properties of extrinsic graphene was studied. Electrical and thermal resistivity, as well as the thermopower, were calculated within the Bloch theory approximations. Analytical expressions for the different transport coefficients were obtained from a variational solution of the Boltzmann equation. The phonon-limited electrical resistivity rho(e-ph) shows a linear dependence at high temperatures and follows rho(e-ph) similar to T-4 at low temperatures, in agreement with experiments and theory previously reported in the literature. The phonon-limited thermal resistivity at low temperatures exhibits a similar to T dependence and achieves a nearly constant value at high temperatures. The predicted Seebeck coefficient at very low temperatures is Q(T) similar to -pi(2)k(B)(2) T/(3eE(F)), which shows a n(-1/2) dependence with the density of carriers, in agreement with experimental evidence. Our results suggest that thermoelectric properties can be controlled by adjusting the Bloch-Gruneisen temperature through its dependence on the extrinsic carrier density in graphene.