▎ 摘 要
In this study, it is tried to probe the wave propagation phenomenon in an embedded functionally graded graphene oxide powder-strengthened nanocomposite curved beam exposed to different thermal loadings. In order to achieve different thermal environments, three different temperature rises including uniform temperature rise, linear temperature rise and sinusoidal temperature rise are considered. The graphene oxide powders are distributed in a polymer matrix along the curved beam thickness by regarding various patterns (i.e. X, ?, V, O and uniform patterns). The Halpin-Tsai homogenization model is implemented to compute the effective properties of the nanocomposite structure. The kinetic relations of nanocomposite curved beam are derived by utilizing Euler-Bernoulli beam theory incorporating Hamilton's principle. The derived governing equations of nanocomposite curved beams are analytically solved to achieve the wave frequency and phase velocity values. The precision of the calculated results is verified by the published outcomes in the literature. Thereupon, a parametric investigation is performed to study the influences of different remarkable parameters like different distribution patterns of graphene oxide powders, the weight fraction of graphene oxide powders, wave number, thermal environment, elastic foundation coefficients and opening angle.