• 文献标题:   Electrochemically reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes composites as binder-free supercapacitor electrodes
  • 文献类型:   Article
  • 作  者:   YANG Q, PANG SK, YUNG KC
  • 作者关键词:   graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, multiwalled carbon nanotube, electrochemical reduction, binderfree electrode, supercapacitor
  • ISSN:   0378-7753 EI 1873-2755
  • 通讯作者地址:   Hong Kong Polytech Univ
  • 被引频次:   33
  • DOI:   10.1016/j.jpowsour.2016.02.016
  • 出版年:   2016

▎ 摘  要

Binder-free composites of electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (ecrGO) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were fabricated as supercapacitors electrodes operating in aqueous systems. GO was found to be electrochemically reduced according to the XRD and Raman data. Therefore, this facile and controllable method was applied to reduce GO in the GO/MWCNTs composites, generating ecrGO/MWCNTs composites. The ecrGO/MWCNTs composites exhibit higher specific capacitance (C-sp) than ecrGO because the intercalation of MWCNTs into ecrGO sheets increases the surface areas, according to the TEM, XRD and N-2 adsorption-desorption results. The composites with different mass ratios of GO to MWCNTs (10:1, 5:1, 1:1, 1:5, 1:10) were investigated. The ecrGO/MWCNTs composite (GO: MWCNTs = 5:1) showed the highest C-sp from the cyclic voltammetry results at a scan rate of 10 mV s(-1), and it expressed C-sp of 165 F g(-1) at a current density of 1 A g(-1) and 93% retention after 4000 cycles of charge/discharge. When the mass ratio of GO to MWCNTs further decreases to 1:10, the C-sp of the composites declines, and the ecrGO/MWCNTs composite (GO: MWCNTs = 1:10) performs a nearly pure double-layer capacitor. However, the composites containing more MWCNTs can maintain better capacitive behavior at higher rates of charge/discharge. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.