▎ 摘 要
A single particle observation of quantum dots (QDs) was performed on lipid bilayers formed on graphene oxide (GO). The long-range fluorescence quenching of GO has been applied to biosensing for various biomolecules. We demonstrated the single particle observation of a QD on supported lipid bilayers in this study, aiming to detect the quenching efficiency of lipid and protein molecules in a lipid bilayer by fluorescence single particle tacking (SPT). A single lipid bilayer or double lipid bilayers were formed on GO flakes deposited on a thermally oxidized silicon substrate by the vesicle fusion method. The QDs were conjugated on the lipid bilayers, and single particle images of the QDs were obtained under the quenching effect of GO. The quenching efficiency of a single QD was evaluated from the fluorescence intensities on the regions with and without GO. The quenching efficiency reflecting the layer numbers of the lipid bilayers was obtained.