▎ 摘 要
Here, a novel method is introduced to create tunable properties on the polyester fabric through diverse chemical modifications. The polyester fabric was primarily modified with NaOH or ethylenediamine to enhance the surface activity. This will produce diverse chemical groups on the polyester fabric surface including carboxylate, hydroxyl and amine groups. The fabric Was treated with grahene oxide through exhaustion method. The silver nitrate was then added and simultaneously reduced with grapheme oxide using ascorbic acid and ammonia to produce reduced graphen oxide/silver nanocomposites (rGO/Ag) on the fabric surface. The synthesized nanocomposites were characterized by TEM and Raman spectra. The presence and uniform distribution of the nanocomposites on the fabric surface was also confirmed by SEM images and EDX patterns. The electrical resistivity was varied on the raw and modified polyester fabric due to the diverse formation of the graphene nanosheets network on the fabric surface. More Ag particles were formed on the surface of the alkali hydrolyzed polyester whereas more graphene nanosheets deposited on the aminolyzed polyester fabric. Also the hydrolyzed polyester fabric exhibited higher antibacterial properties with the lowest silver nitrate in the processing solution. The aminolyzed fabric showed a lower electrical resistance than the hydrolyzed and raw fabrics with the same amount of GO in the procedure bath. The aminolyzed polyester fabric indicated higher affinity towards GO produced higher antibacterial properties before reduction and without silver nitrate however lower electrical resistance obtained after reduction comparing with other samples.