▎ 摘 要
Considerable attention has been paid to designing graphene based hybrid materials for developing new light-harvesting systems. Here, we have synthesized CdTeSe alloy nanorods and modified the surface of CdTeSe nanorods by porphyrin molecules to attach to graphene surface through pi-pi stacking. In this CdTeSe nanorod-porphyrin-graphene hybrid system, porphyrin acts as an antenna material which harvests light and consequently transfers electrons to the adjacent conduction band of nanorods and finally to reduced graphene oxide (RGO). An ultrafast spectroscopic study suggests that the rate of electron transfer from porphyrin to RGO via conduction band of CdTeSe nanorods is 17.4 x 10(-2) ps(-1). It is to be noted that this ternary hybrid system exhibits 240-fold enhancement of photocurrent under visible light irradiation which reveals that this new type of graphene based inorganic and organic hybrid system is very promising for solar light harvesting.