▎ 摘 要
Plasmon-induced hot-electron generation provides an efficient way to convert light into electric current. The investigation of the optoelectronic response in two-dimensional materials and metallic hybrid nanostructure attracts increasing research interest. Here, we present a tunneling effect of plasmonic hot electrons that is generated from Au nanoparticles, which can vertically tunnel through graphene monolayers. A strong photocurrent induced by the hot electrons was measured in this graphene-based vertical photodetector with its intensity maximum reached at the plasmon resonance wavelength. The tunneling effect of plasmonic hot electrons was investigated by gradually increasing the incident laser power and bias voltage between the top and bottom electrodes. The dynamic attenuation of plasmonic hot electrons in an excited state was further investigated with multilayered graphene sheets. These results show that our vertical hybrid structure can function as an effective design for the tunneling photodetector, and enable the realization of complex nanophotonic devices that are based on graphene and other 2D materials, such as optical transistors and plasmonic hot-electron sensors.