▎ 摘 要
Silica scale adhesion onto geothermal power plant equipment reduces the power efficiency. In our previous study, diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings with low sp(2) fractions and high hydrogen contents were found to suppress silica adhesion. Therefore, the present study was aimed at clarifying the mechanism of silica adhesion onto the graphene-like network of DLC. In-lens scanning electron microscopic imaging of silica adhered onto defective graphene indicated that the adhesion occurred on defects in the graphene-like network. First-principles calculations revealed that the graphene with hydrogen-terminated defects exhibited reduced adsorption energy between silica and the graphene-like network. Overall, the simulations and experiments helped establish a silica adhesion model in which defects in the graphene-like network of DLC behave as silica adhesion sites. [GRAPHICS]