▎ 摘 要
Graphite oxide (GrO) can be considered as one of the most relevant graphene derivatives. Despite the fact that several structural models have been proposed, it has seen that the ultimate structure is a function of the raw graphite affecting directly the graphite oxide characteristics and applications. One of this applications affected by the particle size of the raw graphite is the adsorption. In this work, the structural changes and the adsorptive capacity properties of graphite oxide samples prepared from graphite with different particle size were established. Raman spectroscopy, particle size distribution analysis, XRD, FTIR, elemental analysis and SEM analysis were used for characterizing the products obtained. Methylene blue adsorption experiments of the synthesized materials were performed and data derived from this study were fitted to empirical equations. Graphite oxide obtained from graphite with the lowest particle size produced the highest oxidized structure, which was related to the maximum of adsorption capacity, thus inferring that this material could be used to remove dyes from water and soil as those generated by several industries every year.