▎ 摘 要
S = 1/2 kagome-lattice hydroxychlorides are promising candidates for realizing the elusive quantum spin liquid (QSL) state. Herbertsmithite [Cu3Zn(OH)(6)Cl-2], a naturally occurring hydroxychloride mineral from the class of atacamites {[Cu-4-xMx(OH)(6)X-2] where M = Zn, Cu, Co, Ni and X = Cl, Br, I}, is one of the most appealing systems to study the QSL state because of the presence of a structurally perfect S = 1/2 kagome-lattice. It is an electrical insulator. However, realizing phase-pure herbertsmithite without imposing harsh reaction conditions remained synthetically challenging. In this work, for the first time, we have synthesized phase-pure herbertsmithite as well as its structural analogue paratacamite, [ZnxCu4-x(OH)(6)Cl-2; 0.33 = x < 1], at ambient reaction conditions. Furthermore, taking graphene oxide (GO) as an additional precursor in the reaction mixture, we have successfully integrated phase-pure crystallites of herbertsmithite (H) and paratacamite (P) with nanosheets of semiconducting and diamagnetic reduced graphene oxide (rGO) by in situ oxidation-reduction reaction. The isolated H-rGO and P-rGO systems were found to be magnetic semiconductors inheriting strong spin frustration from H and P, and semiconductivity from rGO. The H-rGO system in particular exhibited negative Seebeck coefficient (n-type semiconductor) with a thermoelectric power factor of 0.1 mu W center dot m(-1)center dot K-2 at 400 K. We anticipate the simple chemical principles outlined in this work to be useful for studying a variety of complex QSLs including electron doping. Also, semiconducting and rather unconventional materials of such metal oxochlorides with rGO isolated here need further exploration in view of thermoelectric applications.