▎ 摘 要
Novel supramolecular hybrid containing polyethyleneimine-functionalized graphene quantum dots (PEIGQDs) and mercaptopyridine-substituted zinc phthalocyanine (Pc)-Au@Ag nano-alloys is presented in this study. The designed hybrid was employed as a dual fluorescence nanoprobe for Hg2+ and biothiol detection in aqueous solution using PEI-GQDs as the fluorescence switching signal probe. The dual sensing platform for the analytes detection is firstly, based on the quenching (turn "OFF") of the PEIGQDs fluorescence upon TC-n interaction or electrostatic attraction with Pc-Au@Ag conjugate. The quenched fluorescence can be switched back to the "ON" mode in the presence of Hg2+ and switched "OFF" again when biothiols are introduced to capture the Hg2+ ion via the formation of the strong metalthiol bond (Hg-S). The "off-on-off' processes were modulated by different amounts of Hg2+ and biothiols. The nanoprobes were found to be highly stable and selective towards the target analytes in the presence of other amino acids and metal ions. Also, the probes were successfully deployed in the assay of the test analytes in spiked samples. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.