▎ 摘 要
By using an atmospheric-pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD) method with a C2H2 carbon source, seven-layer graphene films as saturable absorbers are fabricated and transferred to an anti-reflective mirror of 1064 nm wavelength range. Based on this transmission-type graphene saturable absorber mirror (GSAM), a continuous wave (CW) passively mode-locked femtosecond green laser is achieved by 808 nm laser diode (LD) end-pumped Nd:YVO4 crystal and type-I critical phase-matched LBO crystal intracavity frequency doubling for the first time. Stable ultrashort green laser pulses as short as 374 fs are measured with a repetition rate of 71.4 MHz and an average output power of 117 mW at a central wavelength of 531.7 nm.