▎ 摘 要
We report velocity-dependent internal energy distributions of nitric oxide molecules, NO, scattered off graphene supported on gold to further explore the dynamics of the collision process between NO radicals and graphene. These experiments were performed by directing a molecular beam of NO onto graphene in a surface-velocity map imaging setup, which allowed us to record internal energy distributions of the NO radicals as a function of their velocity. We do not observe bond formation but (1) major contributions from direct inelastic scattering and (2) a smaller trapping-desorption component where some physisorbed NO molecules have residence times on the order of microseconds. This is in agreement with our classical molecular dynamics simulations which also observe a small proportion of two-and multi-bounce collisions events but likewise a small proportion of NO radicals trapped at the surface for the entire length of the molecular dynamics simulations (a few picoseconds). Despite a collision energy of 0.31 eV, which would be sufficient to populate NO(v = 1), we do not detect vibrationally excited nitric oxide.