▎ 摘 要
From the moment atomic precision control of the growth process of graphene was achieved, more elaborated carbon allotropes were proposed opening new channels for flat optoelectronics at the nanoscale. A special type of this material presenting a V-shape (or "kinked" pattern) was recently synthesized and named chevron-graphene nanoribbons (CGNRs). To realize the reach of C-GNRs in developing new applications, the formation and transport of charge carriers in their lattices should be primarily understood. Here, we investigate the static and dynamical properties of quasiparticles in C-GNRs. We study the effects of electron-phonon coupling and doping on the system. We also determine the kind of charge carriers present in C-GNR. Two distinct physical pictures for the charge transport were obtained: a delocalized regime of conduction and a regime mediated by charge carriers. These transport regimes are highly dependent on the doping concentration. Importantly, similarities in charge carrier terminal velocities were observed among C-GNRs and standard armchair graphene nanoribbons, which originate from their comparable charge localization profiles that yield quasiparticles with equivalent effective masses.